Developing a strong daily meditation practice during my first pregnancy was a mind blowing, life altering experience... a Complete Game Changer. Being able to relax my body and mind through breath work, falling into complete synchronicity with my tiny son, and experiencing deep meditative states in full connection/union with another being became the most important aspect of my pregnancy, birthing experience, and postpartum life thereafter.
I was fortunate to receive meditation instructions from a very wise woman, a mother and midwife herself, trained in guided visual meditations. She taught me how to set up each meditation session by concisely visualizing my ideal environment and heart teacher, continually supporting and energizing my practice.
I discovered my perfect environment was under a willow tree, on the banks of a beautiful babbling brook, with dragonflies, frogs, crickets, and foxes all around me. I easily was able to merge with the earth and roots below me, the branches and birds above, and all the animals weaving the mandalas around me. I felt comfortable to imagine and invoke different teachers and energies to support my pregnancy. I deeply explored my transforming subtle energies and internal systems everyday.
Everyday I entered my internal meditation space and melted into Mother Earth. I received teachings from Isis, Demeter, Artemis, Kali, Tara. Everyday I visualized the perfect birth of my son, the perfect opening of my birth canal, the calmest, smoothest birth imaginable. Everyday I visualized perfect health in body, speech, and mind, for myself, and for Maddox Abraxas. I kept a journal, I drew lots of pictures, I imagined myself and my teachers beaming with bright healing lights.
IT WORKED! Maddox was born so quickly, so perfectly, with so little pain. My midwife was amazed. I was full of gratitude for all the wise women teachers that supported my daily meditation practice and growing knowledge.
My second pregnancy was even easier than the first; my practice had become more developed. I experienced a perfect Freebirth with less than an hour hard labor. Just my husband was present. Just as I imagined Everyday. EXACTLY like I imagined Everyday.
I am writing this to give other women confidence. THE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES WORKED! Visualize your perfect birthing scenario Everyday. Let your positive thoughts transform into reality. Whether you are with your partner, midwife, doctor, or friends, continually visualize your perfect birth. Visualize Every Detail. Gain confidence in your visualization. Release ALL you Fear. Maintain confidence that your body is unfathomably wise. Let the wisdom flow through you.
I often find myself in conversations with women from various backgrounds comparing and offering prenatal advice. I ALWAYS STRONGLY ENCOURAGE SOME TYPE OF VISUAL MEDITATION OF THE BABY'S BIRTH. Look at diagrams, become familiar with all the body parts and internal systems involved. Everyday practice your birth, imagine what it feels like for your body to open with the "rushes" of energy. Be confident that you know what is happening to you. Giving birth is a shared experience of all mammalian mothers, you are not alone. You are capable of taking an active role in the birth of your child. You are capable of being lucid and in control. It is possible.
There is a wealth of prenatal and postpartum information online! Educate yourself. Strengthen your Mind. Strengthen your body. Pregnant women are Strong. Your body was designed to give birth. Your body can give birth naturally just like all the other mammals. It is a very raw, primordial human experience too, designed to EMPOWER YOU. Don't let others take your power away with fear.
Once you gain confidence, you can begin to cultivate fearlessness.
The condition of our physical health unquestionably parallels that of our emotional and spiritual health. As mothers, strong bodies and quick minds are crucial in caring for our families. We must mind not only our bodies, but those of our little ones. This entails a safe, balanced diet, as well as proper exercise and hygiene routines.

Here is a list of fun, easy family fitness ideas that my little ones love.
1. Walks. Lots and lots of walks! We love after dinner walks during twilight, a very magical time to spend outside.
2. Sports night. At least once a week we find a nearby park to play the sport of my 6 year old's choice. Sports night usually happens 3 to 6 nights a week, at my son's request.
3. Family yoga. Sometimes the only way to get my infant son to stop crying is striking a bizarre yoga pose. Both my kids love to watch me stretch and joining in on the fun once I have initiated it. It is an excellent way to teach different body parts to the young ones.
4. Farmers Market Mayhem. Every weekend our family visits a local farmers market to purchase delicious, beautiful vegetables and amazing baked goods, support our farmers, and enjoy the outdoor setting, which usually entails music and dancing. I love the open air market and ability to introduce my kids to the people who grow their food. A most worthwhile adventure.
5. Find water. Whether at the ocean, lake, river, pond, pool (indoor or out), or stream, it is easy to create fun experiences. Enough said.
Teaching our children how to develop and nurture their physical and mental muscles is a harrowing task within our society. We must battle increased technological dependence with imaginative nature play and poisonous, unnatural foods with organic, locavore diets. In 2012, the CDC reported well over 1/3 of American children and adolscents overweight or obese, similar to the 34.9% rate in adults.
Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term effects on health and well-being.
Immediate health effects:
- Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
- Obese adolescents are more likely to have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes.
- Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.
- Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. One study showed that children who became obese as early as age 2 were more likely to be obese as adults.
- Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
These statistics and their implications are terrifying! We have to teach our children how to enjoy a lifestyle full of physical exertion and healthy foods.
The kids aside, mothers need to mind their own health in order to balance our own needs and desires. In my own experiences, exercise has proven invaluable to my happiness throughout two pregnancies and the challenge of raising two boys. The euphoria after a prolonged stretching session or the endorphin rush I get after doing a few back handsprings is priceless. Science has proven that the cortisol, oxytocin, and endorphins released during exercise actually does make us happier, not to mention happier with our bodies providing a more confident self image.
An article from assures us:
Using fitness to feel more joy in your life is an effective strategy. Choose fitness activities that you enjoy and do them with people you love. Mix things up as much as possible. Variety helps to increase enjoyment. Give yourself at least two weeks to get hooked on exercise and to experience the chemical benefits. Exercise outdoors from time to time to let your senses experience natural beauty.
Stay tuned for more fun fitness ideas, musings and resources!
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