Thursday, May 8, 2014

CREATIVITY: The Key to Your Balancing Act

"Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience." - Masaru Ibuka

Like many others, finding appropriate space to explore and cultivate my art everyday is essential to my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Thus, nurturing personal creativity is key in my balancing act of bliss.

This page is dedicated to sharing my personal creations, artistic musings, daily inspirations, and educational crafting ideas with you. It will include resources that I rely upon to find creative, fun ideas for both children and their magical mamas.  I have faith this information will inspire like minded parents to cultivate and celebrate the wisdom of the arts in everyday family life. It is our responsibility to transform and resolve the problems we find in the world. Creativity is Key.  Find your balance outside of the box!

Artist Alan Moore claims,  "Magic is art and art, whether it be writing, music, sculpture, or any other form is literally magic.  Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words, or images, to achieve changes in consciousness..." I couldn't agree more and further propose that a life filled with artistic creativity transforms the mundane into the magical and  miraculous...always. Instant relief from the tedious sufferings of "everyday life."  

Whether metamorphosing a stressful afternoon into a fun, family adventure or transforming your toddler's frustrated tears into laughter, as magical mothers we must master these skills utilizing our infinite capacity for compassion, wisdom, and joy. Familiarizing oneself with spontaneity, imagination, and relative discord is necessary in this magical approach. The result? Or should I say the path?  Compulsive creating!  Now everyday I find passionately and relentlessly utilizing my artistic skills to balance (and re-balance) my needs with those of my children, husband, and greater community. It has proven an invaluable tool to sustaining my happiness and that of those around me. 

Infinite opportunities arise to express and share our ideas through art. I love curling up by myself in a quiet corner to serenely draw tiny spirals for hours, just as much as I love building magnificent cardboard castles and mixing magical potions.  However, in order to fully indulge in and enjoy my love of creation, it is necessary to keep an open mind and no expectations when it comes to what art "forms" evolve and the time needed to see them through completion.  

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~ Buddha

Integrating art into my children's education and play, food preparation, daily meditations, domestic chores, friendships, and personal income has become absolutely necessary and relatively easy for my family.  Fortunately, art is easily the most important element of my children's education, as well as my sanity.  Cultivating the imaginations and creative critical thinking skills of our children is IMPERATIVE for them to handle the huge global catastrophes their teenage and adult lives face.  It is our most important responsibility. We must teach our children how to create positive change and achieve healthy balance in order to save the world. Literally.

Here are links to my personal art pages, with more to come. . .



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