Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We all love to play.  When introducing the colors and shapes, the mountains, oceans, and sky to our children we usually do not have to plan on a fun time. . . it just spontaneously arises. Studies have shown that children learn most easily in a playful and relaxed environment.  An early introduction to the arts - painting, music, dance, etc., will also enhance a child's interest in reading, writing, math, and science.

Through the arts, we teach our little ones how to express their emotions, develop perceptual abilities, refine muscle control, and experience the awesomeness of the world around us.  Art can be used to raise a child's self esteem, to develop critical awareness skills, and to conduct self-evaluations. Furthermore, the arts celebrate family and cultural traditions, giving us the sense of continuity with our ancestry, as well as provide us the opportunity to showcase our personal creativity and individuality.

Now more than ever, we need to encourage our children to cultivate their imaginations and critical thinking abilities.  It is so easy to integrate simple art projects into our everyday schedules.  The potential within a box of five crayons is infinite.  Here is a list of my favorite projects that are both educational and always fun.

1.  Collages.  My family loves to collect small treasures while walking through our neighborhood and nearby forest. A feather, a dried leaf, a patch of moss.  I also encourage my 6 year old to cut out newspaper and magazine pictures that strike his fancy.  We often combine these items with scraps of material, paint, and other crafting supplies to create fun, colorful collages.  Themes are encouraged: animals, plants, sports, etc.  The different colors, textures, patterns, and layering techniques provide endless fun.

2.  Chalk Drawings. Endless possibilities arise when it comes to creating with chalk on the sidewalk. It starts with hopscotch in a quiet alley and ends with magnificent rainbow murals - our dreamscapes etched upon the asphalt. Just keep a watch out for rain!

3.  Make a Book.  My mom always encouraged this project from a very young age.  Now it is probably my son's favorite activity.  He loves figuring out how to spell words, put sentences together, and create illustrations.  It can potentially fill a whole afternoon. A few sheets of paper and a couple of staples (or yarn to bind) is all it takes.

Here is a list of some of my favorite online resources for crafting ideas and art education.  Please utilize these ideas the next time your child claims Boredom or begs for more screen time.  It is our responsibility to nurture our children's bodies, hearts, and minds.  Art education should not be a luxury or privilege.  It is a necessity in a healthy child's perceptual development as a human.  It provides endless beauty and inspiration in all our lives. 

Outdoor Art Ideas
Toilet Paper Roll Crafts 
Easy Book Ideas
Paper Plate Crafts 
No Time for Flashcards - awesome parent resource
Waldorf Craft Idea Board by Kari White / Earthy Mama Goods 
Toddler Approved Activity Board by Kristina @ Toddler Approved

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