Since early childhood, stories of female saints, warriors, visionaries, and healers have profoundly moved my heart and inspired my mind. Hildegard of Bingham, Saint Teresa of Avila, Ma Sarada Devi, Sri Karunamayi, Machig Labdron, and Mirabai of Rajasthan have danced through my meditative and mundane mindstreams for so long now, they are considered omniscient, imaginary friends.
The beauty and power of sacred feminine traditions inspires my identity as a strong mother, enchanting partner, and spiritual artist. Once I have aroused spiritual inspiration and correct motivation, using these wise and faithful women as models, EVERYTHING in my day becomes easier. It is easier to wake up my children in a playful, positive manner, it is easier to wait in a long line at the grocery store. The task of staying positive throughout a day full of potentially stressful, toxic encounters, become lighter. It is easier to cultivate the compassion and altruistic motivation necessary to be a conscious, responsible steward of the Earth and human culture.
Yeshe Tsogyal is one of the most popular female Tibetan saints. I use her song below as daily inspiration to stay positive and creative throughout my experiences, transforming sickness into perfect health, confusion into understanding. She is a very strong inspiration in my personal practice. I encourage all women to learn more about Yeshe Tsogyal to strengthen their meditations and understanding of unconditional love.
To the hungry I was heaps of food and all good things, and thus I brought them joy.
To the cold and freezing I was fire and sun-warmth, thus their joy.
To the poor and needy I was wealth and riches, thus their joy.
To the naked I was every kind of raiment, thus their joy.
To the childless I was sons and daughters, thus their joy.
To those who craved a woman, I became a lovely girl and thus their joy.
To those who sought a lover, I was a handsome youth and thus their joy.
To those who wanted magic powers, I gave prowess in the eight great siddhis, and thus I brought them joy.
To the sick I was their remedy and thus their joy.
To the anguished I was all their mind desired, and thus I was their joy.
To those hard pressed by punishments of kings, I was the loving friend to lead them to the land of peace, and I was thus their joy.
To those in fear of savage beasts, I was a haven, thus their joy.
To those who fell into the depths, I was their drawing out and thus their joy.
To those tormented in the fire, I was a quenching stream and thus their joy.
To those in prey to any of the elements, I was their medicine and thus their joy.
For those who could not see, I was their eyes and brought them joy.
And for the halt and crippled I was feet and thus their joy.
I was a tongue for those who could not speak, and thus I brought them joy.
To those in fear of death I granted immortality, and thus I was their joy.
I led the dying on the path of transference and brought them joy.
To those who wandered in the bardo state, I was their yidam, bringing them to joy.
I cooled the burning heat and warmed the cold of those lost in the realms of hell.
Howsoever they were tortured, I changed myself to shield them, being thus their joy.
To those who lingered in the land of hungry ghosts, I was their food and drink and thus their joy.
I was freedom from stupidity and servitude for those caught in the wordless state of beasts -- and thus I brought them joy.
Those beings born in savage lands -- I turned them from barbarity and brought them joy.
I was a truce from war and strife for the asuras and was thus their joy.
The gods I guarded from their bitter fall and I was thus their joy.
I shielded all from everything that tortured them and was their every joy.
Wherever there is space, five elements pervade,
Wherever the five elements, the homes of living beings,
Wherever living beings, karma and defilements,
Wherever is defilement, my compassion also.
Wherever is the need of beings, there I am to help them.
For more information on Yeshe Tsogyal and her traditions please watch the beautiful documentary:
In the Minds of All Beings: Tsogyal Latso of Tibet
"Filmed during a pilgrimage in 2010, the narrative guides us on a pilgrimage of our own through the sacred landscape of Tsogyal Latso: a self-arisen visionary lake, healing springs with winter-blooming flowers and a vigorous life-force sandalwood tree which dates back to Tsogyal's birth. The film introduces us to a small community of nuns who arrived there after the Cultural Revolution. They came to Tsogyal Latso to revitalize and care for this revered place of the sacred feminine and fulfill their deepest desire for spiritual practice."
Yeshe Tsogyal Biography
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